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Gramofoni i oprema

Ukupno: 385
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Direktan pogon i nasleđene/preuzete tehnološke karakteristike od modela iz serija SL-1000R i SL-1200, dolaze zajedno sa zakrivljenom S-pivot ručkom, i ugrađenim pretpojačalom (on/off) u upečatljivom Tehniksovom SL-1500C. Dvoslojna struktura krije u sebi bežični
Šifra: 13598
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Tehniksov SL-1200GR sa direktnim pogonom nastavljač je tehnološki podignutog standarda serije SL-1200G. Profesionalni gramofon za DJ-eve i audiofile sa zlatnim RCA terminalima, gumenim slip-matom, poklopcem, balansom težine i protivtegom koji dodaje (pomoćnu) težinu...
Šifra: 13600
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Best Product 2018-2019 - Turntable
Šifra: 13601
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Rezervni kaiš za gramofon. Pozovite prodavnicu na +381 11 3347 442  za detaljnije informacije
Šifra: 13605
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The SL-1200G turntable uses a three-layer construction that solidly integrates aluminium diecast with brass weight and has deadening rubber attached to the entire rear surface to eli...
Šifra: 13634
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Direktan pogon i nasleđene/preuzete tehnološke karakteristike od modela iz serija SL-1000R i SL-1200, dolaze zajedno sa zakrivljenom S-pivot ručkom, i ugrađenim pretpojačalom (on/off) u upečatljivom Tehniksovom SL-1500C. Dvoslojna struktura krije u sebi bežični
Šifra: 13755
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Phono cartridge for turntables Audiophile vinyl enjoyment because pure silver offers crystal clear performance!In celebration of our 25th anniversary we release this superior cartridge in cooperation with audiophile phonographi...
Šifra: 14265
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Goldring E1 The Goldring philosophy is to promote the accurate replication of the original record production, maintaining the creative nuances, musicality and rhythm the artist intended you to hear. With the versatile E Series, this is easy to achieve; each is designed to be simple to...
Šifra: 14480
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Goldring E2 The Goldring philosophy is to promote the accurate replication of the original record production, maintaining the creative nuances, musicality and rhythm the artist intended you to hear. With the versatile E Series, this is easy to achieve; each is designed to be simple to...
Šifra: 14481
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Goldring 1022GX The 1022GX cartridge is recommended for the discerning listener as it uses a vital-shank, nude, diamond stylus. This polyhedral, line-contact diamond profile was chosen because it has a very low tip-mass and a large contact area whilst being very narrow from front to b...
Šifra: 14479
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Drive Belts are used on all Pro-Ject turntables as the method by which the turntable platter rotates. In many cases the belt turns a sub-platter, which sits underneath the main platter - like with the multi-award winning Debut record player. However, there are also other turntables that use a ...
Šifra: 14872
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Soundtuning with turntable mat High quality turntable mat made of a cork-rubber mix Isolating the critical parts of your turntable is the most important thing for achieving fantastic sounding vinyl playback. A key step is i...
Šifra: 14874
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Moderan gramofon sa dva ugrađena zvučnika. Zaboravite na komplikovane muzičke sisteme, i uživajte u reprodukciji vaših ploča jednostavnim dodirom na dugme. Lako menjajte brzinu - broj obrtaja sa 33 na 45. Preko USB-a možete prebaciti vaše vinile na računar u digitalnim for...
Šifra: 14915
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Lenco N-10 rezervna gramofonska igla za različite modele gramofona: Lenco TCD-98W, TCD-974, TCD-973, TCD-680, TCD-980, TCD-981, TCD-982, TCD-983, TCD-990, TT-10, TT-28, TT-31, TT-32, TT-34 i ostale. (N-10 s3878s n10 Lenco n 10)  
Šifra: 14925
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Lenco N-20 MMC gramofonska glava Lenco N-20 je zgodna rezervna gramofonska igla koju možete lako instalirati sami. Da li je vaša trenutna igla na izdisaju nakon beskrajnog sviranja svih vaših omiljenih ploča? Uz Lenco N-20 možete ponovo reprodukovati sv...
Šifra: 14927
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Goldring 1012GX This hand-built cartridge uses the acclaimed Gyger II nude diamond stylus. A fine-line elliptical type with a 6 µm small radius it gives smooth, extended highs, low distortion and reproduces a highly detailed and dynamic sound. Advanced dia...
Šifra: 14964
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Denon DL-103R phono kertridž predstavlja ažuriranje klasičnog Denon DL-103. Denon DL-103R proširuje ove mogućnosti korišćenjem bakarnih...
Šifra: 15455
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BT wireless streaming output from phono or line sources Wireless BT streaming of built-in Phono preamplifier and additional line source
Šifra: 15531
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Headshell which will allow most cartridges to be fitted. Supplied with wires for connection to cartridge
Šifra: 15862
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40.680,00 rsd 47.880,00 rsd
A1 je prvi predstavnik Pro-džektove Automat linije, koja verno prati viziju i svrhe kompanije, još od 1991. godine: donošenje uživanja u HiFi stereu za najveći mogući broj ljudi. Ručno napravljen u Nemačkoj, A1 je gramofon koji di...
Šifra: 16177
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Ukupno: 385