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DJ Laptop i Tablet Stalci

Ukupno: 10
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RELOOP PAMETNI STALAK KONTINUIRANO PRILAGODLJIVO I Sklopivo EFIKASAN DIZAJN pametno postolje za prikaz je neprekidno podesivo i sklopivo postolje za uobičajene tablete i pametne telefone i nudi stabilnu, ali laganu konstrukciju.
Šifra: 14933
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NAPOMENA: LAPTOP NIJE URAČUNAT U CENU STALKA! LAPTOP STAND FLEX V.2 Extremely sturdy laptop stand for digital DJs Optimized for laptops from 13'' - 16'' Easily folda...
Šifra: 15692
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Universal Tablet Holder for different models. The Universal Tablet Holder can be adjusted variably to accommodate different tablet sizes without needing tools and holds the devices securely and effectively in many different situations. Be it on stage, in rehearsal rooms or at home - thanks to ...
Šifra: 16173
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The UDG Ultimate Height Adjustable Laptop Stand features a height adjustable telescopic laptop shelf that rotates 360° well suited for mobile DJs and electronic musicians. The stand can accommodate laptops up to 19 inch as well as iPads, tablets or a va...
Šifra: 16204
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The UDG Ultimate Height Adjustable Laptop Stand features a height adjustable telescopic laptop shelf that rotates 360° well suited for mobile DJs and electronic musicians. The stand can accommodate laptops up to 19 inch as well as iPads, tablets or a va...
Šifra: 16205
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To je čvrsto, kompaktno i izuzetno fleksibilno rešenje kada je u pitanju integrisanje tableta ili pametnog telefona u vašu radnu stanicu. Zahvaljujući svojoj laganoj, podesivoj i kompaktnoj konstrukciji, džepno postolje za tablete Reloop je zgodno i prenosno. Njegove gumirane...
Šifra: 14932
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17.880,00 rsd 20.400,00 rsd
JEDINSTVENI DIZAJN Reloop Stand Hub prva je u industriji inovativna kombinacija višenamenskog stalka za laptop i naprednog USB huba s priključkom za napajanje. Idealno je pogodan za DJ-eve i producente zahvaljujući stabilnom napajanju i umrežavanju hardverske ...
Šifra: 15028
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Appealing laptop rest for »Spider Pro« and »Baby Spider Pro«. The laptop rest is mounted on the upper end of the keyboard stand »Spider Pro« or »Baby Spider Pro« by means of a wing nut and retaining plate. The aluminum shelf can be adjusted horiz...
Šifra: 16171
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Compact Laptop Stand
Šifra: 15889
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The Reloop Laptop Stand V.2 is the enhanced assistant for the installation of laptops or other hardware in a DJ setup. Thanks to the variable width notebooks of all sizes can be set up safely and space savingly.
Šifra: 9069
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Ukupno: 10