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INVISION Snow Fluid - tečnost za mašine za sneg

Šifra: 2559
Na stanju
2.520,00 rsd
2.100,00 rsd (Bez PDV-a)
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Broj rata:

Dostupno u prodavnici:
  • Futoški put 1, Novi Sad
  • Cara Dušana 85, Niš
  • Ugrinovački Put 10n, Zemun
  • Svetogorska 9, Beograd
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Capacity - 5LFLUIDS are extremely effective, of excellent quality and perfectly compatible with most major brand machines.

Made from a chemical composition using very pure demineralised water as a base, they preserve the longevity of your machine.




Capacity - 5L

FLUIDS are extremely effective, of excellent quality and perfectly compatible with most major brand machines.

Made from a chemical composition using very pure demineralised water as a base, they preserve the longevity of your machine.

Our factory uses the most modern techniques available and products are continually monitored during production.

All products adhere strictly to the current international standards in force.

Our formulations are consistently updated, keeping in step with developments in international standards.

Our health & safety data sheets (HSDS) are compiled by an independent laboratory, providing you with all the necessary guarantees.

They are available upon simple request. Quality, efficiency and respect for our customers remain a prevailing concern. 

Snow Fluid is most effective. Its active composition is particularly studied to create a realistic effect. The snow produced with our machines is fine and white. Our fluid is compliant with most professional and consumer snow machines. 



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