106.680,00 rsd
119.880,00 rsd
Originalni JCM800 2203 zauvek je promenio lice modernih pojačala. Ažuriran i poboljšan, Studio Classic SC20H je tu da to ponovi iznova. Replicirajući naše prvo pojačalo koje je istinski otelotvorilo overdrajv zvuk teškog rocka, prenosni zvučnik SC20H donosi bezvremen...
Šifra: 13888

Dodaj u korpu
64.680,00 rsd
79.200,00 rsd
Recreate the unmistakable roar of the JCM800 by matching the SC20H or SC20C with this handmade portable cabinet. Designed and built in Britain with two Celestion V-Type speakers to capture that authentic overdriven Marshall sound, yet constructed with a lightweight ch...
Šifra: 13889

Dodaj u korpu
101.880,00 rsd
119.880,00 rsd
SV20H donosi klasični ton 1959SLP pravo u vaš dom. Verovatno najpoznatije pojačalo svih vremena savršeno je dizajnirano za današnjeg gitaristu. Objedinjavajući originalni zvuk svih lampi sa izborom da prebacite između 20Wi 5W pritiskom na dugme, sve upakovano u defini...
Šifra: 14068

Dodaj u korpu
31.080,00 rsd
37.080,00 rsd
DSL1H donosi klasičan ton Marshalla, i pruža očekivane performanse (DSL) ali sa manjim utroškom snage nego što je uobičajeno - idealno za one koji sviraju kod kuće. Zvuk je savršeno oblikovan, veoma privlačno za sve sa eklektičnim ukusom i one ...
Šifra: 14003

Dodaj u korpu
35.880,00 rsd
43.200,00 rsd
Odlična vrednost za novac, i fantastičan kvalitet – kako da ne volite ove 212-ice? Odlično se kombinuju s većinom Marshall-ovih Head pojačala, ili se mogu koristiti kao prošireni kabinet za kombo. Opremljeni su sa dva Celestion Seventy 80 zvučnika koji definitivno ...
Šifra: 14005

Dodaj u korpu
51.480,00 rsd
59.880,00 rsd
Sheer power and fantastic quality, these 240W 4x12’s are compatible with most Marshall heads and are fitted with four Celestion G12E-60 speakers that can handle any genre. The simple yet iconic Marshall style is emulated in these cabinets with ...
Šifra: 14007

Dodaj u korpu
4.200,00 rsd
7.080,00 rsd
A single latching footswitch built for DSLH and DSL1C. With this footswitch you can easily change between the ultra gain and classic gain channels on the amp. It has indicator lights so that you can see when it is in use.
Šifra: 14009

Dodaj u korpu
7.080,00 rsd
8.280,00 rsd
A 2-way latching footswitch for DSL5, DSL20C, DSL20H, DSL40 and DSL100. The first switch will enable you to change between the ultra gain and classic gain channels. The second switch is an FX loop bypass. There are built in indicator lights that notify you when the switch is active or not.
Šifra: 14010

Dodaj u korpu
52.680,00 rsd
59.880,00 rsd
Čista snaga u kabinetima vintidž stila. Uparite vaše Origin pojačalo sa ovim jednostavnim ali stilski doteranim kabinetima, za kompletiranje klasičnog izgleda.
Sa četiri Celestion G12E-60 zvučnika, ovi kabineti isporučuju ozbiljan "punch"; gde god da se nalazite - ...
Šifra: 14016

Dodaj u korpu
50.280,00 rsd
59.880,00 rsd
Pure power in a vintage styled cabinet. Match your Origin amp with these simple yet stylish cabinets, perfect for completing your classic look. With four 12” Celestion G12E-60 speakers these cabinets pack a serious punch, no matter where you are, you will be heard.
This cabinet i...
Šifra: 14017

Dodaj u korpu
5.880,00 rsd
7.080,00 rsd
Ovo je dvosmerni nožni prekidač za zaključavanje koji je napravljen za seriju Origin. Prvi prekidač će aktivirati pojačanje dostupno na svim modelima da bi vam dodalo dodatni udar. Drugi prekidač vam omogućava da zaobiđete svoju FX loop. Nožni prekidač ima indikatorska svetla koja...
Šifra: 14018

Dodaj u korpu
10.680,00 rsd
15.480,00 rsd
Minor II Bluetooth održava muziku snažnom zahvaljujući 12 sati bežične reprodukcije uz jedno punjenje. Bez snage i u žurbi? Funkcija brzog punjenja znači da će 20 minuta punjenja bateriji omogućiti dva sata rada
Šifra: 14031

Dodaj u korpu
222.180,00 rsd
233.880,00 rsd
The Marshall 1974X 18-watt 1x12 guitar combo amp is a hand-wired '60s classic reborn. This exacting reissue is a two-channel tonal monster that's about as straightforward as can be, with simple controls for volume and tone per channel as well as speed and intensity dials for the tube-driven tr...
Šifra: 14053

Dodaj u korpu
179.880,00 rsd
215.880,00 rsd
JVM 210C je 100-Watt-no kombo pojačalo, sa dva 12”-na zvučnika i mnogim kul funkcijama. Marshall nastavlja da se nadovezuje na legendarno nasleđe samog brenda, od najranijih modela poput JTM-45, Super Lead, Plexis pa do modela JCM 800. Duh ovog pojačal...
Šifra: 14052

Dodaj u korpu
145.080,00 rsd
155.880,00 rsd
Gone are the days when you only had to run your finger once along all potentiometers of your Marshall to achieve the classic rock sound (as well as tinnitus). The JVM210 is a 2-channel amp with 100 Watt power, but has much more to offer.
First and foremost: the...
Šifra: 14051

Dodaj u korpu
53.880,00 rsd
79.880,00 rsd
The Marshall 1922 150w 2x12 Extension Cab has mono or stereo options making it ideal for use with either a regular head, and extension to a combo, or as a compact stereo set-up.
Šifra: 14060

Dodaj u korpu
107.880,00 rsd
131.880,00 rsd
Doživite osećaj 60-ih uz briljantne kabinete od 1960 W sa ručnom izradom od 1960. Kompatibilan je sa umiljatom rukom 1959HW. Četiri zvučnika Celestion G12H 30 nude uske niskofrekventne frekvencije, udarac srednjeg opsega i zapanjujuće visine kako bi uistinu proizveli zvuk 60-ih.
Šifra: 14054

Dodaj u korpu
99.480,00 rsd
108.000,00 rsd
Celestion's Vintage 25 "Greenback" speakers fully exploit their sound quality at their limit. So these sound pressure technical speakers are the first choice for sound gourmets who appreciate overtone-rich, percussive character.
Šifra: 14061

Dodaj u korpu
107.880,00 rsd
111.600,00 rsd
This classic cab has an angled front; 4 - 12" Greenback speakers; and a warmer, thicker sound than the 1960A. The midrange is well-defined and a more rounded high end sparkles without being overly bright. The 25W Greenbacks are less in your face than the 75W Celestions in the 1960A. It has rei...
Šifra: 14062

Dodaj u korpu
217.080,00 rsd
223.080,00 rsd
John Mayall and the Bluesbreakers playing with Eric Clapton is what gave the 1962 ‘bluesbreaker’TM its name. This 2x12” combo reissue has the legendary deep blues tone created by the GZ34 valve rectifier, similar to the JTM45. However, with two re-issued Celes...
Šifra: 14056

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